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Before you toss another tea bag, must check out this post! Tea bags are not just for brewing tea, there are so many TEA BAG USES in the garden that can be useful.Tea leaves contain around 4.15 percent nitrogen and other nutritions that nourish the soil. Tea leaves also improve soil structure and increase the drainage. Also, the tannic acid in tea leaves can mildly change and lower your soil pH, just like used coffee grounds. Also Read: Used Coffee Ground Uses In Garden 1. Composting
Probably the simplest use of used tea bags. Tea bags are great to add to compost because they add nitrogen to the compost and also attract good bacterias. But before you toss your used tea bags into the compost pile, make sure they are not made up of plastic. If they are of plastic, slit open the bag and use tea leaves for composting. 2. Repel Pests If you are looking for an organic way to repel pests, your used tea bags can help you. Simply brew a weak tea with old bags and use it to water your plants and also sprinkle on leaves. It is really a great organic way to deter pests and fungal diseases and also provide plants some nutritions in doing so. 3. Plant Food
Make your plants lush and happy with used tea leaves. Just tear open some tea bags and disperse the contents around the plants. Tea leaves will nourish your plants every time you water by increasing nitrogen levels, improving soil structure and giving earthworms something delicious to eat. 4. Feed your Acid-Loving Houseplants Ferns and many other houseplants prefer acidic soil. Fertilize your acid-loving houseplants with used tea bags. Open up the tea bags and work used tea leaves into the soil in their pots. It will slightly lower the pH level and also provide your plants with some nutritions and minerals. 5. Speed up Composting
Brew a strong tea with used tea bags and after it had cooled down, pour the liquid and tea bags over your compost heap. It will speed up the composting process as tea leaves contain nitrogen and also make your compost acid rich slightly. 6. Natural Fertilizer for Potted Plants Just brew a weak tea with used tea bags and substitute watering with it. Brewed tea leaves make a fabulous liquid fertilizer as they contain high levels of minerals, carbohydrates, and other nutrients that help plants to grow. 7. Give Roses a Boost
Roses love tea leaves. Slit open the used tea bags and sprinkle tea leaves around your roses to give them a boost. Remember Roses love the tannic acid that occurs naturally in tea
Learn how to care for lipstick plant. Lipstick plant care is simple, all it requires is constantly warm temperature and humid surrounding to grow and thrive. Lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicans)  is native to Indonesia and Malaysia. It is an epiphyte— a delicate, tropical vine that can also be grown as houseplant and excellent for use in hanging baskets on a shady balcony or patio.
USDA Zones– 10 – 12 Difficulty– Easy to Moderate Lipstick Plant Characteristics Its leaves are green, ovate, opposite, waxy and somewhat succulent like. Arranged in long, tanned and thin branches. The inflorescence appear are terminal, with flowers of tubular corolla like a cylindrical cup, with colors ranging from bright red to purplish-brown. The flower resembles a lipstick and that’s why it is called “Lipstick Plant”. The flowers have pungent aroma and are attractive to sunbirds and hummingbirds. Lipstick Plant Propagation Lipstick plant propagation can be done from cuttings or from seeds. Best propagation time is when temperature is around 70 F (21 C). Requirements for Growing Lipstick PlantLocation Must be grown in dappled shade, always protected from direct sun but under full indirect light. Location must not be windy or cool. Keep the plant above 60 F (15 C). It can be grown tropical climate in USDA Zones 10b – 12 but below these zones, you need to be careful as the lipstick plant is not frost tolerant and likes to grow in constantly warm temperature between 65 to 85 F (18 – 30 C) Once established do not change the location of plant again and again. Soil Grow it in fertile, well draining and airy substrate that is rich in humus, peat moss or cocopeat. Watering Water whenever the surface begins to dry. Soak the entire pot every time. Water regularly in summer to keep the root ball moist. In winter, reduce the watering. Be careful with watering in cooler climates, in winter watering should be almost suspended as it can cause root rot. It prefers non-calcareous lukewarm water, best to water it with distilled or rain water if possible. Lipstick Plant Care Lipstick plant care is simple, all it requires is constantly warm temperature and humid surrounding to grow and thrive. Fertilizer Feed the plant once a month using 3-1-2 ratio liquid fertilizer, such as 9-3-6 diluted at half strength recommended. Make sure to water plant before fertilizing to avoid root burn. Stop fertilizing in late fall and resume again in early spring. Pruning Prune it after it finishes flowering. Cut each branch to a length of about 6 inches using a sharp pair of scissors. Pinching The tip of the branches should be pinched regularly to encourage dense growth. Pests, Diseases and Problems during Lipstick Plant Care Generally, it is not susceptible to diseases. Root rot is possible if plant is overwatered in winter. In pests it might be attacked by aphids, red spider mite, mealybugs and whiteflies. If you’re growing lipstick plant indoors keep it moist but avoid excess watering. Place it on a ventilated place with good air circulation and bright indirect light. Lipstick Plant Losing Leaves
Rubber tree plant care as a houseplant is easy. If you keep it in a well-lit position in your home. Besides the ornamental aspect, rubber tree is considered an air purifying plant.
Family: Moraceae Soil pH: Neutral, slightly acidic Plant type: Tree, Indoor plant Vegetation type: Perennial Foliage type: Evergreen Toxicity: Its sap is toxic and causes mild skin irritation or burning sensation in eyes if comes contacted Propagation: Rubber tree is commonly propagated from cuttings or air layering. Popular Varieties– Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’ with variegated green and white leaves having overtones of burgundy and red veins.– Ficus elastica ‘Doescheri’: Also called “Indian Rubber Tree”, it has dark green foliage with yellow patches. Plant of this variety needs more natural light than most of the other variety.– Ficus elastica ‘Black Prince’: This variety has thick dark green leathery foliage with bronze undertones and large rounded leaves.-Ficus elastica ‘Decora’: This variety has thick dark green foliage.Rubber Tree Plant Information Native to South-East Asia, the rubber tree grows on the edge of tropical rain forests. It can grow up to 30 m high in its native conditions. However, when you grow rubber tree indoors as a houseplant it only reaches 2-3 m high. *You can grow rubber tree outdoors in USDA Zones 9 – 11. Rubber tree plant care is easy, which makes it a very popular houseplant. It survives even in poorly lit areas, though with slow growth. Also Read: How to Grow Fiddle Leaf Fig Rubber Tree Plant Care and Growing RequirementsLocation Avoid direct sunlight, especially afternoon sun. Otherwise, the leaves will eventually fall off. Place the plant on a bright and well-lit spot that receives indirect or morning sunlight. Soil Use well-drained quality potting mix suitable for houseplants and a container with proper drainage. Rubber tree plant care will be easy if you fulfill only these two requirements. Temperature Ideally, the temperature that suits it best lies in a range of 59 – 68 F (15 to 20 C). It can withstand winter temperature down to 40 F (4 C), but the leaves may suffer. Humidity Rubber tree prefers moderately cool, moist and humid air. For humidity, you can mist water on its foliage. Watering Provide sufficient drainage to plant and avoid excess watering as it may cause root rot. Limit watering to keep the soil slightly moist and leave the surface soil to dry out between watering spells. Fertilizer Fertilize the plant with all-purpose fertilizer during the growing period in spring and summer. Pests and Diseases Rubber plant is resistant to pest and diseases. However, if grown in poor conditions and low light pests like spider mites and mealybugs cause a problem. Pruning Rubber Tree Pruning rubber tree is important if you want to keep it in a desired shape or size. You can prune the plant lightly at any time of the year but for proper pruning and trimming wait for spring. Prune your plant in the beginning of the growing season. Rubber Tree Plant Care TipsRepot the plant when it becomes root bound. It grows quickly and within a year you’ll need to repot it.Once the desired size is achieved you can stop repotting and keep it root bound.If you’re unable to repot the plant, scrap a few inches of potting soil and replace it.When fertilizing indoor plants, ensure you don’t feed them heavily. Light dose is enough.Wipe and clean the leaves with a damp sponge once in a while.Avoid overwatering or misting of leaves with too cold water as rubber plant loses its leaves due to overwatering or when sprayed with too cold water.
Learn how to make christmas cactus bloom at christmas or in holiday season by following these tips.
A Christmas cactus in full bloom creates a warm atmosphere during the holidays. Red, pink, white or orange: Its lovely flowers brighten up any interior. If maintained well, it can even bloom again from one year to another for years. 6 Tips to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom at Christmas You can make Christmas cactus bloom at Christmas or in Holiday season if you follow these tips. You’ll need to follow the process for at least 6 weeks to make it bloom at time. 1. Location To force it to flower, tuck your Christmas cactus indoors. Ideally, it should be kept at a temperature around 60 F and make sure it does not go up or down too much, until the first flower buds appear. During this period, the Christmas cactus needs total darkness of 15 hours and 9 hours of bright indirect light. Why so? It is a short day plant and it blooms in such conditions. Make sure that location in which you are placing christmas cactus is fulfilling both light and temperature requirements. Also make sure that is does get complete darkness for at least 14 hours, which means not even smallest lamp or source of light reach it during this period. 2. Watering Keep the plant slightly thirsty. Water it sparingly until the appearance of the first flower buds: Soil must be dry between watering spells but not too much otherwise forming buds will drop. After it has formed buds, water it regularly to promote more blooms, also make sure not to overwater as it can also cause bud drop. 3. Humidity Christmas cactus require about 50 to 60 percent humidity. Use the humidifier to raise the humidity in the room. If you don’t have a humidifier place a tray of water next to it. A humidity tray is good method of providing the humidity the Christmas cactus requires. This is done by filling a waterproof saucer with gravel, then adding water halfway up the gravel. Place the pot on the gravel surface. 4. Do not move Remember the buds and flowers of this plant are very fragile, so it is better not to move the plant here and there. 5. Pruning Wait until the end of flowering period, before you start pruning. 6. Repotting Set in a large pot, the Christmas cactus has tendency to bloom less often. It is therefore recommended to keep the plant slightly root bound. Repot it in every 3 year or so. Choose a slightly larger pot than the previous one.
Pachira Aquatica care and growing is easy. Also known as “Money Tree” it can easily be multiplied and is not threatened by many pests and diseases.
USDA Zones— Can be grown in all the zones as houseplant Difficulty— Easy Other Names— Malabar chestnut, French Peanut, Guiana chestnut, Provision tree, Saba nut, Monguba, Pumpo, Money tree, Money plant Propagation If you can’t find a potted money tree at the nursery. Growing money tree from seeds and cuttings is possible. However, money tree grown from seed grows slowly so it is better to propagate Pachira Aquatica from cuttings. Requirements for Growing Pachira Money TreeLocation The Money Tree likes a bright and warm location. If growing money tree indoors, you need to keep it near a bright window where it receives indirect light. In addition, the houseplant must be sheltered from drafts. Temperature Keep the plant at moderate room temperature. Try not to expose it to the temperature below 50 F (10 C) for a long time as this tropical plant is not cold hardy. However, it can bear slight freezing temperatures down to 28 F for a short period. Soil Growing Pachira Aquatica needs a well-drained, loose and nutrient-rich soil. Watering The Money tree requires moderate watering. Keep the soil slightly moist but too much water is absolutely dangerous and causes the death of Pachira Aquatica. It is better to water the plant deeply but infrequently, only when the top surface of soil dries out. Sprinkle the plant to increase humidity level if possible, as the plant likes high humidity. For spraying, use lime-free water. Otherwise, limescale will form on the leaves and make it look less attractive. Pachira Aquatica CareFertilizing Do not fertilize during the first year of planting. Fertilize the plant with liquid houseplant fertilizer but only in the growing season in every 14 days or so. Pruning Pachira Aquatica Pruning Pachira Aquatica is not necessary. Prune it if you want to give it a certain shape or control its height. Repotting Potted money tree plant usually comes in a small pot. Therefore, it is recommended that you must repot it immediately after the purchase. Repotting after every 2-3 years is usually required. Overwintering Pachira Aquatica care in winter is important. Overwinter it at room temperature. This should not be under 50 F (10 C), at least not for a long time. Supply sufficiently light and humidity. Pour very little water in winter as the plant stops growing due to the temperature drop. Pests and Diseases
Learn how to grow geranium indoors, growing geranium as a houseplant will allow you to have them year round. Check out!
Love geraniums? That’s good! Now you might be asking– Is it possible to grow geraniums indoors? Definitely yes, although growing geranium indoors is not as easy as other houseplants. There are some basic key requirements and geranium care information you need to know. As you know geraniums (Pelargonium) are not winter hardy in cold climate, the best way to grow them year-round is to grow them indoors.Choosing a type of geranium you want to grow Choose healthy geranium plants from a nearby nursery. Look out for your favorite flower colors and scents. Also, remember some of the geranium cultivars never bloom and grown for their fragrant leaves only. Mother Earth Living has good information on geranium varieties you can grow indoors. Requirements for Growing Geranium Indoors
Location Geraniums love the sun and don’t mind drenching in sunlight for long hours. Therefore, if your room has a South or West facing window, place them there. Even when grown indoors geranium requires exposure to direct sun in order to thrive and bloom. If you can’t keep the geranium near a sunny window use 40-watt supplemental fluorescent tube lighting fixed 12 inches over the plants for minimum 14 hours each day to help them growing.Soil Don’t forget, the right soil is the key! Avoid soil that blocks the drainage holes. Use soilless potting mix. Don’t use garden soil, the texture of soil should be well-drained and loamy. Watering Here comes the most important part, proper watering ensures whether your geranium plant will live or die. As we know geranium is a drought-tolerant plant, it doesn’t require regular watering. Water only when the soil seems dry. Avoid overwatering! Temperature Avoid placing your geranium plants in cold, hot or drafty spots. Geranium adjusts well to room temperature if it is warm. However, during the day the temperature around 65 to 70 F and around 55 F at night are optimum. Indoor Geranium Plant Care
Fertilizer During the growing season fertilize every month using half strength all purpose liquid fertilizer for optimum growth. Instead, you can use slow release fertilizer as well. Pinching and Pruning To have a bushy, well-branched indoor geranium plant, remove the tips occasionally. Also, you can prune or cut the stems to get the desired shape. Overwintering As geraniums are not winter hardy it is important that you keep them away from drafts and too much cold. Also, watering must be reduced too! Pests and Diseases Overwatering can cause root rot, wetting the leaves while watering leads to fungal infection. In pests, mites, mealybugs, and aphids can be a problem.
Find out how to grow and care for fiddle leaf fig. Learn about the right growing requirements and fiddle leaf fig care below.
Image Credit: Thebrunetteone.com USDA Zones— 10 – 11, *can be grown indoors in cooler zones Difficulty— Easy Scientific Name— Ficus lyrata Placing a little piece of nature inside the house or apartment does not necessarily mean it will be difficult to maintain. Many plants that offer a beautiful and elegant look in the house are also easy to grow, such as fiddle leaf fig (ficus lyrata). Fiddle Leaf Fig is well suited for growing indoors because it does not become excessively large and at the same time remain noticeable. Fiddle leaf fig care and growing is simple if you fulfill a few basic requirements, which are given below. Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Information Fiddle leaf is native to tropics and on its origin place, it grows tall (up to 40 feet), but its size can easily be reduced and kept under control (under 2 m) when grown in pots as a houseplant. Fiddle leaf fig’s leaves are large and dark in color– glossy and leathery, furrowed with yellow veins. The plant with proper pruning, grows so dense, creating a web of leaves that look elegant and can change the appearance of any room, able to aesthetically fit in any type of environment. It also produces fruit but they are not edible and difficult to develop indoors. How to Grow Fiddle Leaf Fig TreePropagation Propagation is usually done from cuttings in the spring. Growing fiddle leaf fig from cuttings is easy, if not available, you can buy a potted plant from nursery and multiply it. Location Fiddle leaf fig as a houseplant, grows in a well lit spot. Where it receives indirect sunlight all day long. It likes warm temperature approx. 60 – 70 F (15 – 20 C). When growing fiddle leaf fig, remember that it prefers moist, humid air. Homes are rather dry, so alternatively you can mist the plant often to increase the humidity level. Requirements for Growing Fiddle Leaf Fig IndoorsSoil Soil is an essential ingredient in the growth of healthy plant. Loose, well drained soil that is rich in nutrients and organic matter is required. Watering Keep the soil slightly moist but let the top 1 inch surface to dry out between watering spells. In the summer it requires frequent watering. In winter, reduce the watering to avoid root rot. Fiddle Leaf Fig Care
Image Credit: Room for Tuesday Fiddle leaf fig care is easy, it involves several requirements and steps, which are explained below. Fertilization Fertilize about once a month with a water soluble houseplant fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing when it is not in active growth, usually in winter. Repotting In every 2-3 years repot the plant or whenever you find that it is root bound, providing a container slightly larger than the previous one. Cleaning Cleaning the leaves is an important fiddle leaf plant care step. Its large feathery foliage becomes dusty quite often. Pruning Prune your plant to control its size and remove dead and diseased branches, if necessary. Regular pinching of the top of stem once it has reached the desired height prevents the plant from getting lanky and encourages branching. Pests, Diseases and ProblemsPests If leaves that have small dark or white diffused patches: this is the sign of the presence of pests, which if not eradicated can damage the plant or lead it to death. The most common pests are mites and cochineal. It is therefore important to counter them as early as possible as stop the invasion. For evergreens, such as ficus lyrata, attention should always be kept, more in the summer period, when the high temperature and humidity together promote the ideal climate for the development of pests, particularly under the inner leaves, where air circulation is less. Diseases and Problems Plant suffers from root rot if grown in waterlogged soil. Ensuring proper drainage and avoiding overwatering prevent this. Whereas, a bad appearance of the foliage or falling leaves are the most obvious symptoms of a few mistakes in the cultivation: Either the plant is exposed to cold drafts or temperature that is too rigid, watering is insufficient or conversely, too abundant. In any case, if treated in time the plant will recover from the damage.
Check out this list of best flowering houseplants! They can add a bright touch to your home, growing them is similar to other indoor plants.1. Begonia
Although begonias are considered as outdoor plants, there are many plants from begonia genus that makes great flowering houseplants. Most of them are easy to grow and good for beginners. Wax Begonia, Rieger Begonia, and Angel-Wing Begonia are among the best and most popular houseplants. 2. Bromeliads
Its colorful foliage and long lasting flowers can beautify any interior. It thrives easily without much care and the best thing is that you can grow this houseplant in low light conditions too. 3. African violet
African violets are easy to grow flowering plants that can be grown indoors for their beautiful flowers and foliage, they prefer warm climate rather than cold. Keep these plant in a spot where they receive filtered sun. 4. Scented Geranium
Scented geraniums with fragrant leaves and bright colorful flowers become incredible houseplants. However, growing geranium indoors is not as easy as other flowering houseplants we have here in this list. It requires a south or west facing window that receives ample sun and moderate watering. 5. Poinsettia
Growing poinsettias in your home can add a bright touch to your interior. Its multicolor bracts look more colorful than its flowers. This tropical plant requires, light, warmth and protection from drafts to thrive indoors. 6. Peace Lily
If you want to grow a low-care plant, grow peace lily. Inside your home, it can live without water for days. Peace lily’s beautiful white flowers flourish in low lighting conditions. It also removes the toxins from the air. 7. Lipstick Plant
Although not commonly grown as a houseplant, lipstick plant can be grown indoors. It requires constantly warm temperature and humid surrounding to grow and thrive. Here is more on how to grow lipstick plant. 8. Jasmine
Many jasmine varieties can be grown indoors. If you keep this most fragrant vine in a bright spot where it receives some hours of direct sunlight daily, it’ll grow. The selection of jasmine varieties you want to plant indoors depends on the climate you live in. For colder regions, Jasminum polyanthum is the one you can try, whereas in tropics most of the plants from this species will grow. 9. Impatiens
Impatiens are beautiful shade loving annuals but in optimum conditions, you can grow them year-round as a houseplant. Maintain room temperature above 50-55 F and place the pot in a spot that receives bright indirect sun all day long, it would be better if you can provide 1-2 hours of direct sunlight too. 10. Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe is a tropical succulent, plants of this genus grows best outdoors in warm climates. However, it can be grown indoors. This flowering succulent comes in a variety of colors and has low watering needs. You can keep it near a window where it can receive a few hours of sun in order to bloom. 11. Oxalis or Purple Leaf Shamrock
This beautiful flowering houseplant can adorn your house with showy purple foliage and white or pink flowers. Place it at a bright spot for abundant blooms and allow the soil to dry out between watering spells. 12. Cape Primrose
Cape Primrose or “Streptocarpus x hybridus” is a relative of the African violet. If you keep the soil lightly moist and give it bright, indirect sun year-round, it will bloom continuously. Also, there are many new hybrid varieties available with bigger flowers, longer blooming time, and more compact foliage. 13. Christmas Cactus
Christmas cactus is an old-fashioned favorite houseplant of many. When it blooms it creates a warm atmosphere. Red, pink, white or orange: The lovely flowers can quickly brighten up any interior. If maintained well, it can even bloom again from one year to another for years. Also Read: How to Make Christmas Cactus Bloom at Christmas 14. Crown of Thorns
The Crown of Thorns becomes an exceptional houseplant due to its continuous blooms and low watering needs. If you can provide a sunny window where the plant can be placed, it will grow happily. Available in so many colors, the plant prefers loamy succulent soil and warm temperature. 15. Black Eyed Susan Vine
Black-eyed Susan vine can be grown indoors. Depending on your climate, this annual or perennial flowering plant can add a dramatic appeal to your rooms. Keep it near a window, where it receives a lot of sun. Also Read: Best Indoor Vines 16. Purple Heart or Inch Plant (Wandering Jew)
A cluster of purple, lance-shaped leaves makes purple heart an impressive houseplant with or without its pink flowers. This beautiful trailing indoor plant can be grown in small colorful pots or hanging baskets and can be used as a table accent. Keep your purple heart (Tradescantia pallida) plant in a spot where it will receive 2-3 hours of sun for a healthy plant. Note: Several other plants from this genus apart from Tradescantia pallida are known with similar names! For example, Tradescantia zebrina and Tradescantia fluminensis17. Orchids
Orchids are different from other houseplants. Unlike ferns, philodendrons, palms and Swedish ivy, orchids do not grow in soil. Putting an orchid in soil is actually one of the best ways to kill it. You can learn more about growing orchid indoors here.
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