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Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Frithia humilis Burgoyne Common Names Window Plants, Fairy Elephant’s Feet, Baby Toes
Synonyms Frithia pulchra var. minor Scientific Classification Family: Aizoaceae Subfamily: Ruschioideae Tribe: Ruschieae Genus: Frithia
Description Frithia humilis (Fairy Elephant’s Feet) is a stemless, dwarf leaf succulent with finger-like, grey-green leaves, windowed at the tips forming rosettes just at the soil surface. The flowers are white with a yellow center, sometimes tipped with light pink. They are generally about 0.8 inch (2 cm) in diameter and are borne singly on very short stalks or are stalkless.
How to Grow and Care Frithia is a summer grower and relatively easy to cultivate. It need light sporadic watering during its winter resting period and requires moderate sprinkling in summer as it is rot prone if kept too moist when the heat turns off its growth cycle. Gritty, well drained soil, containing a small amount of organic material will keep this species happy.
Frithia can be grown in pots or out of doors in a rockery. Soak the compost fully but allow it to dry out perfectly between waterings. Under-watering can lead to disastrous results, so be generous with water in summer. Nearly all problems occur as a result of overwatering and poor ventilation, especially when weather conditions are dull and cool or very humid. Keep dry in the winter. It does well in full blazing sun, as well as whit some shade in summer. When in growth feed every two or three weeks with a low nitrogen liquid fertilizer.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Fenestraria rhopalophylla subsp. aurantiaca (N.E.Br.) H.E.K.Hartmann
Common Names Baby Toes, Baby’s Toes, Window Plant Synonyms Fenestraria aurantiaca The status of Fenestraria aurantiaca is under review to determine whether its proper status is that of a full species or a subspecies of Fenestraria rhopalophylla. Scientific Classification Family: Aizoaceae Subfamily: Ruschioideae Tribe: Ruschieae Genus: Fenestraria
Description Fenestraria rhopalophylla is an evergreen, perennial succulent, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Not present or very reduced stem. The tip of each leaf is transparent, and diffuse the light to the rest of the leaf. The roots are thick, shallow, and spreading. The leaves are glaucous green, smooth, up to 1.5 inches (4 cm) long and with a convex apex. Medium-large up to 1.2 inch (3 cm) in diametar, rich golden yellow, solitary or in groups of up to three flowers borne on long pedicels.
How to Grow and Care Fenestraria prefer sandy soil and should be watered sparingly at all times to avoid root rot and split leaves. They need to be kept somewhat dry in the summer. Mix equals parts potting soil with pumice or perlite. Outdoors, grow in full to part sun; indoors, provide bright indirect light. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Fenestrarias are somewhat frost tolerant, but protection is advisable to prevent scarring. They are usually propagated by seed but sometimes by cuttings. Like many succulents, Fenestrarias produces offsets as the clusters of leaves mature and spread. These are easy to divide from the main clump and will readily produce another plant.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sedum multiceps Coss. & Durieu
Common Names Miniature Joshua Tree, Little Joshua Tree, Baby Joshua Tree Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Sedum
Description Sedum multiceps forms a miniature, much-branched sub-shrub, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Most of the tiny glaucous grayish-green leaves are in clusters near the tips of the branches, giving the appearance of miniature “Joshua Trees”. Flowers are star-shaped, yellow in color. Blooms during summer months.
How to Grow and Care When growing Sedum, keep in mind that Sedum plants need very little attention or care. They will thrive in conditions that many other plants thrive in, but will do just as well in less hospitable areas. They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.
Sedum is easily planted. For shorter varieties, simply laying the plant on the ground where you want it to grow is normally enough to get the Sedum plant started there. They will send out roots from wherever the stem is touching the ground and root itself. If you would like to further ensure that the plant will start there, you can add a very thin covering of soil over the plant. For taller Sedum varieties, you can break off one of the stems and push it into the ground where you would like to grow it.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sedum caeruleum L.
Common Names Azure Stonecrop, Blue Stonecrop, Sky Stone Crop, Baby-blue Stone Crop, Red Leaf, Barbary Stones Synonyms Anacampseros caerulescens, Oreosedum caeruleum, Sedum azureum, Sedum coeruleum, Sedum heptapetalum Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Sedum
Description Sedum caeruleum is an annual, succulent, bushy herb, simple or much branched from the base, erect, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. The leaves are green, narrowly oblong and usually tinted red, up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. It produces cymes of pale blue or white (rarely pinkish), many-stellate flowers from July to September.
How to Grow and Care When growing Sedum, keep in mind that Sedum plants need very little attention or care. They will thrive in conditions that many other plants thrive in, but will do just as well in less hospitable areas. They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.
Sedum is easily planted. For shorter varieties, simply laying the plant on the ground where you want it to grow is normally enough to get the Sedum plant started there. They will send out roots from wherever the stem is touching the ground and root itself. If you would like to further ensure that the plant will start there, you can add a very thin covering of soil over the plant. For taller Sedum varieties, you can break off one of the stems and push it into the ground where you would like to grow it.
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