动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
People often say that Succulent is a plant suitable for lazy people, of course! This laziness is not for you to buy it home and leave it aside to enjoy the benefits, but not to be too diligent, especially for some succulents who have just been in the pot and are still in the serving period. The novice must maintain a steady state of mind and not be too impatient. Do small actions that shouldn't be done.
After repairing the roots, I was eager to get into the pot: Most of the succulents purchased online are shipped bare-rooted. After receiving the goods, many meat lovers grab the dry hairy roots with their hands and put them into the pot in a hurry. Correct way: After receiving the succulent, check the root system for insect eggs, trim off the shriveled fibrous roots, apply some carbendazim powder, and let it dry in a cool and ventilated place for at least one day.
After potting, I can’t help but water: After potting, the fleshy leaves at the bottom of the pot will slightly wilt. Many meat lovers rush to water, but the root system can’t absorb it, causing the fleshy seedlings to rot. . Correct way: When we pot the succulents, it is best to plant them in wet soil. The humidity should be able to form clumps when holding the soil and disperse after touching it. Do not water within a week after potting, and water thoroughly after a week. Succulents are not better than grass and flowers, and watering can not be too often. It should be adjusted according to the state of succulents and the environment. For example, watering less on rainy days, dry soil is always safer than damp.
After potting, there is no bottom line to control water: After potting, the fleshy leaves are getting greener and there is no state at all. Some meat lovers ignore the water control and force the fleshy flesh that has not been taken. Regarding the succulents on the bare roots, we first consider feeding, and secondly, how to raise them well. We must not pursue beauty too much, and lose big because of smallness.
After potting, move around to bask in the sun: After potting, some meat lovers put Succulents in the living room today and put them on the balcony tomorrow. Moving around resulted in Succulents being slow to finish the pots, and they have been in a state of adapting to the new environment. The correct method: After the pot is placed, place the succulents in a ventilated place with astigmatism. After a week, gradually increase the light. Don't over toss, let it take root and grow quietly.
After potting, I always like to shake the pot and dig the soil: After potting, I always want to shake the pot and dig the soil to see if Susu is in the pot. The result is that it delays the growth of the root system, and it does not even pass the delay period. It's dead! Correct way: After putting on the pot, keep it with light, give water a week later, always pay attention to ventilation, observe more and less hands, for example, if the leaves are hard or the seedlings grow up, it means that the pots are served!
After potting, the old love pulls the dead leaves: During the slow potting period, the leaves under the plant will shrink and dry, and many meat lovers will pull them off when they see it. This causes the succulent lower leaves to continue to shrink and consume nutrients. The leaves are shriveled, which is the normal nutrient consumption during the potting period of the succulents. As long as the leaves are not lost and are not completely shriveled, they can continue to provide nutrients for the succulents. Don't owe it.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Legitimacy is common for novices, so you don't have to blame yourself. However, it is a pity that succulents are irreversible, and it is impossible to restore the succulents to their original appearance. Fortunately, we can rescue it again! After Succulents grow up, there are two options: one is to let Succulents continue to be disciples and ignore it. After the baptism of the wind and the sun, succulents will become fake. It's the kind of old stake with a long pole and a little green on the head! Of course, it takes a long time for succulents to become fake stubs. If you can't stand the ugliness during this period, there is only another option: behead your head! What is succulent beheading? "Head beheading" is actually the "top bud picking" in crop production, which is called "top advantage" in botany. During the growth and development of plants, there is a close relationship between the apical buds and the lateral buds. When the apical bud grows vigorously, it secretes growth hormone and inhibits the growth of the lateral bud. If for some reason the top buds stop growing, the side buds will grow quickly. This phenomenon of preferential growth of apical buds and inhibition of the development of lateral buds is called "apical dominance". Therefore, when the top bud is knocked out, many side buds will naturally emerge. This is also the quickest way to solve the problem of overgrowth of succulents and make one plant grow into multiple plants. Schematic diagram:
Trilogy of beheading: the first step: select the position to be beheaded and cut. Step 2: Remove 2 to 4 leaves from the base of the cut head, so that the cut head can be pierced into the soil to take root, and the base after the cut head stays in the original pot. After trimming, place it in a ventilated place to dry the roots. Step 3: Insert the wound-healed head into the new soil, and the head will regain its compact beauty. Tips: The broken leaves are used for leaf inserts, and each leaf gives birth to a new life. The old roots after decapitation will have many side branches and form long heads due to the removal of the apical advantage.
The key to a variable plant after beheading is: 1. Removing the leaves from the lower part of the cutting can effectively reduce the chance of wound rot. 2. Cut off the fleshy head, don't touch anything in the wound, and wait for his wound to heal. 3. After cutting the heads, place them in glassware for rooting. Oversized containers may cause the lower end of the multi-headed paper to curl. There is no need to water, and the humidity of the air in the vessel is completely sufficient.
Not only will the succulents grow more luxuriant and cute after the head is cut off, but also the new heads and leaves can be used for reproduction. Today, a cruel knife will be made, and tomorrow will be luxuriant! There are two main points in the skill of putting out profligacy: First, don't water too much, and then water after the soil is dry. Two more basking in the sun, don't pass the glass!
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
As a novice, I recommend some more popular and relatively easy-to-breed varieties. You can use small pots to raise single plants in a single room, or you can group pots to grow plants with similar habits. If you are a fighter in general cargo, you are strongly recommended to buy these two varieties. The price of real cabbage is a big surprise, and you will not die no matter how you raise it. 1. White Peony
White peonies are tender and tender when they are raised. In the past two years, South Korea brought white peonies of superb quality to the country and sold them at high prices, posing as new varieties. However, because the variety is still relatively general, the temperature difference and light requirements are relatively high if you want to grow a particularly good color. The main surprise that white peony brings is that it is super easy to live. 2. Givalian
White peony is alive as soon as it is inserted, and Jivalian is basically red as soon as it is exposed to the sun, and it is shining with a little sunshine. In autumn and winter, almost half of the leaves are red tips, which is especially beautiful. And even though it is a common product, Jiwalian rarely grows excessively. In summer, the leaves will elongate and the plant shape is scattered. Most of the time, it is very compact. The magnificent and charming type in everyone's impression, Succulents are always chubby and chubby, but not all of them. Succulents also have romantic varieties like roses. 3. Mountain rose
The rose among the succulents is the mountain rose. The thin leaves are layered on top of each other, rolling out a beautiful heart like a rose, which is very beautiful. Mountain roses are talking about this type of plant, not the name of the variety. In this type of plant, there will be a variety of small roses with petals of different shapes. However, although the plant type is very beautiful, mountain roses are more difficult to produce color, and they are usually green. 4. Lina Lian
Lina is also a very common general product, because of its unique leaf shape, it has almost become a must-have for the group of pots. In many varieties with round leaves, it can play a good role in adjusting, and Lina is very easy to use. Color, in addition to the unavoidable turning green in summer, other seasons can easily become the kind of light pink that is very girly. However, Lina's words are a bit like white peony. It lives no matter what, but it is a variety that is easier to grow. For the color control, the delicate pink series must not be overlooked. Every year in autumn and winter, these pink varieties are simply going to be beautiful. 5. Debbie
The pink variety is a classic must-have. It grows fast, and is not so easy to grow. It is easier to control the plant type and color, and novices can also grow beautiful. 6, peach eggs
The characteristic of a good variety is that even if the conditions are not adequate, the appearance of the plant will still be good. In terms of price, peach eggs are no longer in the ranks of general merchandise, but the genes of good varieties make them tender and tender almost all year round, and they are not easy to grow. After a long time, the peach egg will become a very beautiful old pile, which is collected by almost every high-level player. Noble and glamorous type In nature, blue plants are relatively rare, whether they are flowers or leaves, so blue succulents are generally quite popular. The white whale almost loses every blue, and it really feels too beautiful.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
1. Chunhua is not in a hurry to leave the room In early spring, the temperature is extremely unstable. Generally, potted flowers should be around Qingming when they are out of the house. Some potted flowers must be around Guyu, such as Bailanhua, Jasmine, Milan, etc.; Some even before Guyu to Lixia, such as cactus, cactus, fairy mountain, lingjian lotus and so on. Under normal circumstances, when the temperature is from Qingming to Guyu, the temperature will not change much, and the temperature difference will not be too low or too high. It is relatively stable. At this time, it is more suitable to leave the room. Before leaving the room, you must first "Refining seedlings" indoors. You can choose a sunny day to open the doors and windows to let them ventilate. The time ranges from short to long. If you encounter sunny and warm weather, you can also move outside to bask in the sun. You should move indoors early in the afternoon to allow it to initially adapt to the external environment.
2. Do not rush to open windows for ventilation In early spring, the potted flowers have just awakened, and they have little resistance and lack the ability to withstand the harsh weather outside. Some people think that spring is here and they feel very warm, so they open the doors and windows at will to let them ventilate, completely forgetting the damage to the potted flowers by the dry and cold wind in spring. The new buds that have just germinated, encounter the attack of dry and cold wind, the young leaves of the new buds will be frozen, and in severe cases, even the plants will be frozen to death. Therefore, in spring to prevent cold wind from attacking the potted flowers, you should not rush to open the windows to let the wind out.
3. Do not rush to move the potted plants outdoors The sun is shining in spring, and some people are eager to remove the potted flowers outside to bask in the sun. Due to the strong light at noon, the temperature around the potted flowers can often reach about 20°C. However, when I moved indoors in the afternoon, the temperature was too low due to the low temperature, so that the potted plant could not adapt to it for a while, and even suffered from a "severe cold."
Fourth, do not rush to expose the basin surface to night In spring, although the temperature gradually rises and the weather is relatively warm, the temperature is still so cold from night to early morning, and there will even be frost (more bright frost), and there will be invisible dark frost. If a potted flower that is not hardy is attacked by dark frost, the flowers and leaves will all scorch and it will be difficult to recover. Therefore, it is safer to take the flowers back indoors at night when they are out of the house, and strive to leave early and return late to avoid death of potted flowers due to frost. Therefore, when there is no dark frost, it can be placed outdoors overnight to allow the potted flowers to dew at night, otherwise they must be covered to prevent frost at night to ensure that the potted flowers are safe and the branches and leaves are not damaged.
Five, do not rush to fertilize too early There are five taboos for potted flower fertilization: avoid growing fertilizer, thick fertilizer, heavy fertilizer, hot fertilizer, sitting fertilizer, and early fertilizer. But some people don’t understand this reason, they are eager to grow flowers, and they are eager to fertilize when they leave the house in spring, and the fertilizer applied is some unrotten fermented raw fertilizer, thick fertilizer, heavy fertilizer, how can this make potted flowers just germinate shoot Can Xinye bear it? It can only be seen that these potted flowers are "burned to death" by being fat, thick and heavy. Applying thin fertilizers diligently and gradually, so that the potted plants grow full of branches and leaves, and after the plants are strong, they have a certain degree of fertility tolerance and then fertilization is the correct and scientific method to fertilize spring flowers.
Sixth, do not rush to water the potted flowers The weather has just turned warm in spring, and the roots of potted plants are sprouting new roots and growing new leaves, but the old roots are weak in water absorption. If too much watering, it is easy to rot the wet plants in the potted soil. Besides, the evaporative power of potted flowers is not strong at this time, so watering the flowers should "see dry and wet, water when watering, not dry without water" as the principle, this is the dialectical scientific watering method.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Succulent flowering, will it die? There are always rumors in the rivers and lakes that succulent flowering will die and you must cut flowers and arrows. In fact, there are not many succulents of this kind, such as Sempervivum and Valpine, although they will die, but they will multiply young cubs before flowering. Another example is the mage of the lotus palm. Although the flowers will die after failure, only the flowering branches will die. After the flowers fail, the stems can be cut off, but if the flowers bloom collectively, they must be dealt with early. Therefore, whether to make succulents bloom, we can decide according to its variety and robustness, but if you encounter the following situations, it is recommended to cut flowers and arrows quickly.
What kind of succulent flowers must be cut? The first is the succulents that die if the flower fails. It is recommended to cut the flower arrows as soon as possible, such as Wasong, Mountain Rose, Guanyin Lotus, Longevity Grass, Xiaorenji, Zichilianhua, Black Master, etc. The second is the weak growth and the fleshy stems and leaves that are not full. Cut the flowers and arrows as soon as possible. If they are allowed to continue to bloom, they will consume a lot of nutrients for the fleshy and ultimately exhausted. Finally, note that during the flowering period of succulents, the sweet nectar on the flowers can easily attract aphids and scale insects. If you find bugs on the flower buds, cut off the flower arrows in time. Succulent long flower arrows, pruning position is particular! When trimming succulent flowers and arrows, prepare a clean pair of scissors, wipe and disinfect with alcohol in advance, hold the scissors against the base of the flowers and arrows, and cut off the 1cm shaft. If there is water flowing out of the cut flower arrow section, you can dip it with a clean paper towel to prevent wound infection. After the remaining 1cm flower arrow dries up, gently pull it off with your hands, or you can use carbendazim to sterilize it. Autumn is a very suitable time to raise more meat, and carbendazim disinfection is naturally indispensable. Flower friends can take advantage of the autumn to stock up more carbendazim~ The cut flowers and arrows can be cut with leaves! Don’t throw the cut flowers and arrows, find a clean glass bottle at home, insert the flowers and arrows into the bottle, add water to the bottom of the flowers and arrows, usually the water is muddy and change the water, the flowers and arrows can continue to bloom~ If the flowers and arrows are full of small leaves, this kind of small leaves can still be broken off the leaf inserts and thrown on the soil to keep the soil moist, and they can take root and sprout in less than half a month~ Succulents that have bloomed, fertilize water during flowering! If the succulents are growing and healthy, we can keep the flowers and arrows, but we need to pour potassium dihydrogen phosphate once every 15 days, usually 2,000 times with water, and add nutrients to the succulents after dilution. If the succulents grow flowers and arrows, but before they bloom, the flowers and arrows wilt and die. This shows that the succulents are insufficient in nutrients and self-regulate. Just cut the flowers and arrows in time. Succulent after flower failure, fertilization renews and rejuvenates! Succulent flowering will consume a lot of nutrients, and some succulents will not even lose half their life after blooming. Therefore, after the flower is defeated, the flowers and arrows must be cut off in time to add a comprehensive fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Put the potted plants in a place with sufficient sunlight, and wait for the soil to dry up and replenish water in time to promote the renewal and rejuvenation of the succulents. In autumn, the temperature difference between day and night will increase, and the succulents will soon be colored.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
People often say that Succulent is a plant suitable for lazy people, of course! This laziness is not for you to buy it home and leave it aside to enjoy the benefits, but not to be too diligent, especially for some fleshy who have just been in the pot, and are still in the serving period. The novice must stabilize the mind and not be too impatient. Do small actions that shouldn't be done.
After repairing the roots, I am anxious to go to the basin Most of the succulents purchased online are shipped bare-rooted. After receiving the goods, many meat lovers grab the dry hairy roots with their hands, and then hurriedly put them in the basin. Correct way: After receiving the succulents, check the root system for insect eggs, trim off the shriveled fibrous roots, apply some carbendazim powder, and dry in a cool and ventilated place for at least 1 day, lazily and then put it in the basin.
I can’t help but water after I’m in the pot After potting, the leaves at the bottom of the succulents that are in the potting period will slightly wilt. Many meat lovers rush to water, but the root system cannot absorb it, causing the fleshy seedlings to rot. Correct way: When we pot the succulents, it is best to plant them in moist soil. The humidity should be so that the soil can form a clump with the hand, and it can spread out after touching it. Do not water within a week after potting, and water thoroughly after a week. Succulents are not better than grass and flowers, and watering can not be too often. It should be adjusted according to the state of succulents and the environment. For example, watering less on rainy days, dry soil is always safer than damp.
After the basin is installed, there is no bottom line to control water After being potted, the fleshy leaves are getting greener, and there is no state at all. Some meat lovers ignore the water and force the fleshy leaves that have not been taken. Regarding the succulents on the bare roots, we first consider feeding, and secondly, how to raise them well. We must not pursue beauty too much, and lose big because of smallness.
After potting, move around to bask in the sun After potting, some meat lovers put Succulents in the living room today, and put them on the balcony tomorrow. Moving around caused Succulents to be slow to finish the pot, and they have been in a state of adapting to the new environment. Correct way: After potting, place the succulents in a ventilated place with astigmatism, and gradually increase the light after a week. Don't over toss, let it take root and grow quietly.
After using the pot, I always like to shake the pot and dig the soil After potting, I always want to shake the pots and dig out the soil to see if Dusuu has taken the pots. The results will delay the growth of the root system at least, and the delay period will not pass, and it will die! Correct way: After putting on the pot, keep it with astigmatism, give water a week later, always pay attention to ventilation, observe more and less hands, for example, if the leaves are hard or the seedlings grow up, it means that the pots are served!
After potting, the old love pulls the dead leaves During the slow potting period, the leaves under the plant will shrink and dry, and many meat lovers will pull it off when they see it. This causes the fleshy lower leaves to continue to shrink and consume nutrients. The leaves are shriveled, which is the normal nutrient consumption during the potting period of the succulents. As long as the leaves are not lost and are not completely shriveled, they can continue to provide nutrients for the succulents. Don't owe it.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
There are more and more people who like succulents in their lives. Keeping some succulents at home can beautify life and increase interest. There are many kinds of succulents, many of them are very beautiful, some of them have beautiful names in them, which are easy to feed and live, and have a beautiful appearance. Let's take a look!
-Winter Beauty- Dongmei is a succulent variety that entered the country very early. It has thick leaves, cold and heat resistant, and is very easy to raise. It can be placed on the balcony without worrying about it, and it can grow well by itself. When there is sufficient sunshine, the edge of the leaf will have a slight pink color with a layer of white powder, which is particularly beautiful.
-Three Sun Moon Beauty- Sanriyue Beauty is a more beautiful variety in the Succulent Beauty series. It has a similar sense of transparency. The leaves are thick and relatively flat. The leaf tips are red, more prominent, very transparent, and have a higher appearance.
-Ji Xing Beauty- The Ji Xing Meiren plant is relatively small and cute, but it grows fast and is easy to burst. Common varieties include Xuan Ye Ji Xing Mei Ren, Da Ji Xing Mei Ren, etc., which can be placed on the windowsill and occasionally watered for a few months. It grows into a big pot, and the speed is amazing.
-Peach Beauty- Peach Beauty has thick leaves, with a layer of white powder on the leaf surface. The leaves are pink, and the appearance is relatively high. Peach Beauty has leaf tips. When there is sufficient sunshine, it will turn red. It is very beautiful and even higher than the appearance of a peach egg. some.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Summer came quietly, In order to add a beautiful scenery to the windowsill Many friends around Start a gust of wind Growing succulents Or some plants that can be grown on the balcony.
Today Just share it with everyone How to protect flowers??
1. White vinegar cures yellow leaves Applicable species: Camellia, azalea, frangipani, osmanthus, Milan, gardenia, jasmine and other acid-loving plants. When growing flowers, flowers and leaves are often withered. If it is not for lack of water, it may be yellowing disease. White vinegar and water are diluted in a ratio of 1:500 and placed in a small spray bottle, and sprayed on the leaves in the morning, spraying once every 2 days.
2. Beer to promote flowers Applicable species: Foliage plants such as green radish, Brazilian ironwood, monstera, geranium, Chlorophytum, Dieffenbachia. Wiping the leaves with beer can make the leaves green and bright, and watering on the roots can also make the plants grow vigorously and bloom in time. Dilute the water and beer in a certain proportion, mix them evenly, and pour them on the roots of foliage plants. Twice a month, the flowers can be fresh and bright. Pour a little beer in the vase when arranging flowers to make the colors of the flowers radiant.
3. Use waste oil to grow flowers Applicable species: night flower, rose, clivia, longevity flower, honeysuckle and other fertilizer-loving plants. Every time you clean the range hood, don't throw away the waste oil in the oil collecting cup. It is a good partner for plant-loving plants. Insert holes at the edge of the flowerpot. Generally, insert two holes in the pot with a diameter of 15 cm, and three holes with a diameter of 25 cm. Pour waste oil into the hole and cover it with soil. The fertilizer effect can be maintained for two to three months.
4. Soapy water kills insects Applicable species: all insect-bearing plants. When there are pests on plants, try soapy water. It can kill many soft-shell pests, such as aphids, red spiders, and ants. Dissolve the soap with rainwater, well water, cold boiled water, etc., and keep the concentration below 1%. Spray the solution on the leaf surface and back of diseased leaves in the morning, and don't spray it if there is no insect damage. Soapy water tends to make the soil alkaline, so it is generally not used for watering flowers, but the insecticidal effect is not bad. The above method is the secret recipe that Xiaon tried. Dear friends, you can choose the right method according to your flower type!
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
People often say that succulent is a plant suitable for lazy people, of course! This laziness is not for you to buy it home and leave it aside to enjoy the benefits, but not to be too diligent, especially for some fleshy who have just been in the pot, and are still in the serving period. The novice must stabilize the mind and not be too impatient. Do small actions that shouldn't be done.
After repairing the roots, I am anxious to go to the basin. Most of the succulents purchased online are shipped bare-rooted. After receiving the goods, many meat lovers grab the dry hairy roots with their hands, and then hurriedly put them in the basin. Correct way: After receiving the succulents, check the root system for insect eggs, trim off the shriveled fibrous roots, apply some carbendazim powder, and dry in a cool and ventilated place for at least 1 day, lazily and then put it in the basin.
I can’t help but water after I’m in the pot. After potting, the leaves at the bottom of the succulents that are in the potting period will slightly wilt. Many meat lovers rush to water, but the root system cannot absorb it, causing the fleshy seedlings to rot. Correct way: When we pot the succulents, it is best to plant them in moist soil. The humidity should be so that the soil can form a clump with the hand, and it can spread out after touching it. Do not water within a week after potting, and water thoroughly after a week. Succulents are not better than grass and flowers, and watering can not be too often. It should be adjusted according to the state of succulents and the environment. For example, watering less on rainy days, dry soil is always safer than damp.
After the basin is installed, there is no bottom line to control water. After being potted, the fleshy leaves are getting greener, and there is no state at all. Some meat lovers ignore the water and force the fleshy leaves that have not been taken. Regarding the succulents on the bare roots, we first consider feeding, and secondly, how to raise them well. We must not pursue beauty too much, and lose big because of smallness.
After potting, move around to bask in the sun. After potting, some meat lovers put Succulents in the living room today, and then put them on the balcony tomorrow. Moving around causes Succulents to be slow to finish the pots, and they have been in a state of adapting to the new environment. Correct way: After potting, place the succulents in a ventilated place with astigmatism, and gradually increase the light after a week. Don't toss too much, let it take root and grow quietly.
After using the pot, I always like to shake the pot and dig the soil. After potting, I always want to shake the pots and dig out the soil to see if Dusuu has taken the pots. The results will delay the growth of the root system at least, and the delay period will not pass, and it will die! Correct way: After putting on the pot, keep it with light, give water a week later, always pay attention to ventilation, observe more and less hands, for example, if the leaves are hard or the seedlings grow up, it means that the pots are served!
After potting, the old love pulls the dead leaves. During the slow potting of the succulents, the leaves under the plants will shrink and dry, and many meat lovers will pull them off when they see it, causing the leaves at the lower part of the succulents to continue to shrink and consume nutrients. The leaves are shriveled, which is the normal nutrient consumption during the potting period of the succulents. As long as the leaves are not lost and are not completely shriveled, they can continue to provide nutrients for the succulents.
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